Java continues its tradition of evolving with each release, and Java 23 is no exception. Packed with enhancements and new features, Java 23 aims to streamline development and boost performance. In this article, we’ll delve into some of the standout features introduced in Java 23, complete with code examples to get you started.

1. Enhanced Pattern Matching for switch
One of the most anticipated features is the extension of pattern matching capabilities to switch
expressions. This enhancement simplifies code by allowing more expressive and concise control flow.
public class ShapeProcessor {
public static void processShape(Object shape) {
switch (shape) {
case Circle c -> System.out.println("Processing a circle with radius: " + c.radius());
case Rectangle r -> System.out.println("Processing a rectangle with area: " + (r.length() * r.width()));
case Triangle t && t.isEquilateral() -> System.out.println("Processing an equilateral triangle.");
default -> System.out.println("Unknown shape.");
record Circle(double radius) {}
record Rectangle(double length, double width) {}
record Triangle(double sideA, double sideB, double sideC) {
boolean isEquilateral() {
return sideA == sideB && sideB == sideC;
In this example, the switch
expression directly matches the type of the object and performs actions accordingly, making the code cleaner and more readable.
2. Introduction of Text Blocks
While text blocks were introduced in earlier versions as a preview feature, Java 23 solidifies their presence, making it easier to handle multi-line strings without the clutter of escape sequences.
public class JSONBuilder {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String jsonString = """
"name": "OneClickTutorial",
"features": [
"Java Tutorials",
"Code Examples",
"Tech News"
Here, the text block allows for a neatly formatted JSON string, enhancing readability and reducing errors associated with escape characters.
3. Scoped Values
Scoped values provide a mechanism to share data within a specific execution context, offering a safer alternative to thread-local variables.
import jdk.incubator.concurrent.ScopedValue;
public class ScopedValueExample {
static final ScopedValue<String> USER_ID = ScopedValue.newInstance();
public static void main(String[] args) {
ScopedValue.where(USER_ID, "user123", () -> {
static void performTask() {
System.out.println("Performing task for user: " + USER_ID.get());
// Additional operations can access USER_ID safely within this scope
In this scenario, USER_ID
is accessible within the defined scope, ensuring data consistency and thread safety.
4. Vector API Enhancements
Java 23 continues to refine the Vector API, allowing developers to harness the power of SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations for improved performance.
Example:This example demonstrates how vectors can be used to perform addition on arrays efficiently.
import jdk.incubator.vector.*;
public class VectorAddition {
public static void main(String[] args) {
float[] a = {1f, 2f, 3f, 4f};
float[] b = {5f, 6f, 7f, 8f};
float[] result = new float[4];
VectorSpecies<Float> species = FloatVector.SPECIES_128;
FloatVector va = FloatVector.fromArray(species, a, 0);
FloatVector vb = FloatVector.fromArray(species, b, 0);
FloatVector vr = va.add(vb);
vr.intoArray(result, 0);
for (float value : result) {
This example demonstrates how vectors can be used to perform addition on arrays efficiently.
5. Records and Sealed Classes
While record
and sealed
classes were introduced in earlier versions, Java 23 brings further refinements, making them more robust and versatile.
Example of a Record:
public record Point(int x, int y) {}
public sealed interface Shape permits Circle, Rectangle {}
public final class Circle implements Shape {
// Implementation details
public final class Rectangle implements Shape {
// Implementation details
These constructs provide clearer intent in your code, ensuring better maintainability and safety.
More java tutorial avaliable here
Java 23 brings a suite of features that not only enhance the language’s capabilities but also simplify the developer’s experience. Whether it’s through more expressive control flows with pattern matching or safer data handling with scoped values, there’s something in this release for every Java developer.